Saturday 6 August 2011

LRC / e-learning / IT Inductions

We have started planning our student induction sessions for September.  The sessions play a large part in the work we do in the first half term and last year delivered sessions to more than 3000 learners.  For the last two years the sessions have been 'hands on' practical sessions for groups of 20 or 25.  They consist of an introduction giving information about the LRC and College systems and then all the students log on to the system, to Blackboard, to their college email account, access the e-books and set up their printing accounts.  The sessions have worked well because we know that once students have completed the sessions they have all the information, and skills, to use the resources that are available to them wherever they are in the College.  We find they have less problems throughout the year so have a better learning experience.
This year we are changing the format of the sessions to make them more upbeat and incorporate a 'wow' factor hopefully.  They will start with a 3D walk through (see previous post) then there will be a practical session to ensure everyone can log on to the various systems and resources including the e-Books.  The final part will be a quiz using the Interactive Whiteboard Voting sets - 10 quick questions about the LRC or about the VLE and some feedback to find out what the students think of the induction sessions.  We won't explain all the detail such as opening times, loans, fines etc. because it is boring (though essential) and they forget it anyway but will have a booklet outlining the facts for them to take away.  Our target is to deliver the sessions to 3500 learners in the first 6 weeks of term.

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