Monday, 22 September 2014

Semester 1 Week 1

Semester 1 Week 1 achieved successfully.
The alterations and improvements to the library space were finished on time albeit it last minute. The new group study pods are proving popular and we haven't had anyone eating or sleeping in them so far.
The new Service Desk is operating well so far although staff need time to get used to it and we need to review our work flows and processes to match the new set up. The chairs for staff at the Service Desk need changing as they don't have foot rests and don't lift up high enough. Also we need more storage but seeing as it was a major change, it's ok. We've also changed the room booking system which is work in progress - operational though which I'm pleased about.
We've been busy with IT enquiries - mainly account details, passwords, email set up and wifi/eduroam connections. There was an issue with some of the account set ups and this caused problems at the IT Helpdesk as quite a few accounts had to be set up manually - this seems to be solved now.
The printers, as ever, are temperamental - when they work they are great but MFDs do have a tendency to have intermittent, inexplicable faults along with the usual paper jams.
All in all it has been a good week and I like it when it is busy and we are responding to students queries and issues and most importantly, resolving them. Our success rate, despite any unavoidable beginning of term hiccups, is good.