Thursday, 3 June 2010


Attended the ALT FE committee meeting in Birmingham. It was held at the Aston Business School which is quite nice and walking distance from the train station.
The meeting is interesting as there are a variety of topics discussed and the members of the group are knowledgeable.
Also it is an opportunity to look at how learning technologies are used in FE from a different angle, a strategic angle maybe but moreso an organisational angle.
Discussion about how to increase awareness of the committee to institutional representatives so their input could be included.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Half term

Half term week in the LRC - quiet, not many students about so a good opportunity to catch up.
Trying to get the Net School Classroom management software installed on one of the staff PCs on the third floor. This would mean that we can ban some websites such as Facebook if necessary. It will probably only work on the 3rd floor and this is the floor that we try to promote as quiet and for individual work although in practice this is easier said than done :)